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Protected: Duston Mill Pumping Station Intake (2025)

Complying with the Eel (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 at the raw water intake for Pitsford WTW

Hydrolox eel screen installation - Courtesy of Anglian Water’s @one Alliance

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The editor and publishers would like to thank Anglian Water’s @one Alliance for providing the above article for publication. The @one Alliance is a collaboration of eight partner companies that each provide specialist knowledge allowing the Alliance to deliver complex delivery projects in the most efficient way, reducing the cost to Anglian Water’s customers. The partners are Anglian Water Asset Delivery, Balfour Beatty, Barhale, Binnies, Mott MacDonald Bentley, Sweco, Skanska, and MWH Treatment.
Hydrolox eel screen installation - Courtesy of Anglian Water’s @one Alliance

Hydrolox eel screen installation - Courtesy of Anglian Water’s @one Alliance