Glanua Group Limited
Framework Manager
- Manage a Programme of Works from design inception through to delivery, commissioning and handover.
- Work as part of a team in the delivery of a programme of works, leading staff as a “one team” culture.
- Ensure Health, Safety and Environmental standards, policies and procedures are always adhered to on-site.
- Instil a positive Health and Safety culture within the team in their thinking and actions.
- Drive sustainability and strive to implement sustainable delivery and solutions.
- Seek out innovative solutions, lead the curve on new technology and emerging issues.
- Liaise, co-ordinate and cooperate closely with agencies such as the IFI, NPWS, HSA, EPA, OPW, etc.
- Ensure projects are adequately resourced, liaise with HR to re-allocate staff and identify new staffing requirements in a timely manner.
- Facilitate the co-ordination role of the PSDP for live projects with internal and external designers. Represent the company as PSCS on live sites within your remit and co-ordinate all required documentation to be present on-site and up to date.
- Conduct regular Health and Safety inspections on live sites and facilitate employers in conducting Health and Safety audits/inspections.
- Co-ordinate all testing and quality check procedures including factory acceptance testing (FAT), site acceptance testing (SAT), inspection and test plans (ITPs), pipe pressure testing, hydrostatic tank testing and commissioning of the works.
- Ensure best practice programme management techniques are used such as Lean Construction and Last Planner.
- Prepare contract programme taking input from all disciplines and carefully planning the project to meet all interim milestones. Track, monitor and adjust this programme throughout the project lifecycle.
- Mitigate risks to the programme by resequencing works, changing methods of construction, design or advancing a task at a different stage in the project.
- Manage suppliers and sub-contractor packages such that they meet deliverables of the programme and resource projects as required in order to meet programme milestones.
- Ensure sound procurement practices for suppliers and sub-contractors including implementation of supply agreements and sub-contracts.
- Manage cashflow on projects and ensure interim payment applications are submitted on-time to the customer.
- Facilitate and explore value engineering opportunities with the customer as they arise.
- Anticipate risk and manage opportunities.
- Prepare monthly reports on the commercial activity of each project under your remit identifying income, costs, work in progress and accruals.
- Ensure commercial return on contracts as tendered, ensure all variation opportunities are explored and recovered in timely manner as required.
- Provide assistance, oversight and guidance from time to time on tendering opportunities.
- Ensure positive experience for the customer and their representatives instilling an ethos of collaboration and co-operation.
- Provide single point of contact to the customer as the Contractors Representative for projects and instil confidence to the customer in your actions and ability to deliver projects for them successfully.
- Respond to and address any customer and stakeholder complaints in a timely manner. Obtain customer satisfaction surveys and provide any feedback on how to improve our customer satisfaction.
- Seek to improve the project delivery process by providing lessons learned feedback and innovative solutions for adoption on future projects.
- Keep appraised of latest standards and technology through continuous professional development (CPD).
- Provide input to business functions and operations in shaping and implementing efficiencies and improvements.
- Other duties as required from time to time.