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Salix River and Wetland Services

Salix River & Wetland Services are bioengineering technical specialists, involved in the supply, contract and design elements of river, wetland and coastal projects. Salix has extensive experience working within all river types across the UK, providing innovative vegetated, sustainable solutions for soil erosion and wetland creation.


Our in-house product range specifically developed for erosion control and habitat creation includes Coir Rolls, Coir Pallets, Rock Rolls, Rock Mattresses, Rock Bags and the world’s highest performing range of Composite Turf Reinforcement Mats – VMax C350 & C500. We also provide hydraulically applied solutions such as TerrAffix. We have the largest native wildflower and wetland plant nursery in the UK. Salix are the only company to manufacture coir rolls and pallets within the UK, providing a massive reduction in carbon.

Salix rock products allow natural sediment accretion and vegetation establishment, unlike harder solutions such as rock armour or gabions.


Salix’s contracting division undertake works for local authorities, public bodies, utility companies, main contractors & private clients, having been involved in a diverse range of projects across the UK.

Salix has unrivalled specialist equipment for fluvial environment, including a Mackenzie ‘Muck’ Spider excavator. The Spider has four independent legs, with the ability to access logistically challenging of sites. Salix also has long reach excavators, floating pontoons, hydroseeders and truxor available for a diverse range of specialist fluvial and intertidal activities.

Salix's Nursery
Menzi Muck Spider and Rock Mattresses at a Network Rail site
Rock Mattress going in on London reservoir spillway
Rock Mattresses and Menzi Muck Spider protecting gas pipeline
David Holland and River Restoration
River works at Yearl Weir
River Teme