Trojan Technologies
Trojan Technologies serves municipal, industrial, and residential water treatment professionals by engineering solutions that enable them to meet their water quality objectives.
Our products and services play vital roles in making the various stages of the water treatment process more effective and efficient.
Applications and markets served include municipal wastewater, drinking water, environmental contaminant treatment; residential water treatment; ultra-purification of water used in food and beverage manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing and semiconductor applications.
Product brands include TrojanUV, Aquafine and VIQUA.

Finham Advanced Anaerobic Digestion (2023)
Finham STW, situated near Coventry in the West Midlands, is Severn Trent’s fifth largest wastewater treatment works and treats over 115 megalitres of effluent a day from half a million people. The works processes indigenous sludge on site as well as accepting exports from local, satellite sites, producing final effluent, ‘cake’ and biogas as outputs. […]
Renewable Energy
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage

Cog Moors Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Facility (2021)
Welsh Water’s sludge strategy is to treat 97% of sludge using advanced anaerobic digestion (AAD) technology. The Cog Moors AAD facility was constructed to supplement the existing facilities at Cardiff and Afan in South Wales along with the recently constructed Five Fords facility in North Wales. AAD gives the benefits of: Meeting the Enhanced Sludge […]
Renewable Energy
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage
TrojanUVFlex Overview
UV Advanced Oxidation Process (UV AOP)
Why Municipalities Choose UV
Next Generation of the TrojanUV3000Plus
TrojanUVSigna Features Overview
Aquafine OptiVenn System Overview
Aquafine Avant System Overview
Aquafine SwiftBeverage System Overview
Aquafine VL System Overview