Sulzer Pumps Wastewater Ltd
Sulzer is a global leader in fluid engineering. We specialise in pumping, agitation, mixing, separation and purification technologies for fluids of all types.
Our customers benefit from our commitment to innovation, performance, quality and from our responsive network of 180 world-class manufacturing facilities and service centres across the globe.
Innovation, research and development play a pivotal role in the sustained success of Sulzer. Our innovative solutions add value and strengthen the competitive position of our customers.
We aim to be a responsible corporate citizen and harness the power of fluid engineering to make life better, safer and more sustainable.

Ballina Wastewater Treatment Plant (2024)
Upgrade of the existing treatment plant to increase treatment capacity
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage

Guildford STW (2024)
The challenges of constructing a new sewage treatment plant on an historical landfill site
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage

Newthorpe STW (2024)
Improving sustainability & resilience of sewage treatment in the Erewash Valley
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage

Stoke Bardolph STW - Anaerobic Digestion (2022)
Stoke Bardolph Sewage Treatment Works (STW) is Severn Trent’s second largest STW and serves a population of c. 620,000. The site is also a major regional sludge centre, meaning it takes a high volume of sludge imports from other sites in the region. Stoke Bardolph has a sludge treatment capacity equivalent to a population of […]
Renewable Energy
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage

Strongford STW - THP & LTP (2022)
Strongford STW is a major sewage treatment works serving the population equivalent of circa 350,000 from Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent. The site’s sludge treatment facility provides a major centre for regional operations. Based on a forecast increase in population, it was identified that an increase in treatment capacity would be required to accommodate the local growth. […]
Renewable Energy
Wastewater Treatment and Sewerage
Wexford factory overview
Dewatering pumps with cost effective water level control
Flow booster type ABS XSB - operation in aerated oxidation ditches
Get rid of rags with the self-cleaning of submersible mixer type ABS XRW
High-capacity dewatering with the XJ 900
HST™ - The world’s most sustainable and economical turbo blower
It will fit! HST™ turbocompressor pipework accessories and options
Features and benefits of the flow booster Sulzer XSB
Sulzer Mixer XRW Features
Advantages of Sulzer XFP PE1 2 Submersible Wastewater Pumps
Muffin Monster grinders - an extra insurance against clogging
Muffin Monsters grind solids and protect your pumps
Take a tour through Sulzer's factory in Kunshan
The installation and maintenance sledge makes work easy
XFP submersible sewage pumps with Contrablock Plus impeller - designed for modern wastewater