CSO Group
Toll House Pumping Station

Duty/standby extraction fans with associated ductwork
CSO Group was approached to assist with an odour problem at the Toll House Pumping Station. The site was located on the seafront on Marine Drive, a few hundred yards from Scarborough Harbour and tourist attractions. mToll House Pumping Station, with a 20m diameter x 35m deep storage shaft with a volume of 6,786m3, was originally completed in 2014 as part of Yorkshire Water’s £26 million Scarborough Revised Bathing Water Directive scheme.
The site presented two principal challenges:
- An odour target of 2 OUe/m3 at the site boundary which is literally the walls of the pumping station.
- Limited access and availability of space to install and locate the odour control system.
Limited space within the pumping station and on land outside meant the odour control system needed to be installed within the building envelope. Terminodour™ is CSO’s smallest footprint technology and is normally used without any further abatement stages. Due to the strict performance target, a polishing activated carbon stage was required to ensure compliance at this very sensitive site with immediate receptors.
SCOPE OF CONTRACTDesign, supply, install and commission a complete odour control package, combining Terminodour™ and an activated carbon “cartridge” for wet well application |
Process and design
The odour emitted during a storm event, primarily H2S, is met with the blanket of ionised air within the tank and the oxidation reaction commences. Air is also extracted from the tank and fed via a range of ductwork to the activated carbon system, providing a final polish to any residual odours prior to emission to atmosphere.
To minimise the size of the Terminodour™ air handling unit (AHU) a purpose-built model was designed to fit into the available space. The specially designed AHU housed a filter section for particulate removal, fan and the plasma reaction chamber with its ionising modules. Due to the close proximity of the sea wall and the potential for salt and sand ingress a special filter was included within the design. The AHU unit measured just 2865 x 1910 x 1155mm high. Low energy consumption is another benefit of this particular system with total power consumption less than 3.0 kW.

The Terminodour™ air handling unit installed within the Toll House Pumping Station
The activated Carbon element was based on a cartridge system to allow easy access to remove and replace spent carbon in the restricted environment. The carbon filter housing measured just 1000 x 1900 x 1650mm high. The carbon filter is linked to the wet well by a range of uPVC ductwork and duty/standby extraction fans with an extraction capability of 2,350 l/s.
Post installation performance monitoring was undertaken by an independent third party which the system passed.
For more information contact CSO Group: +44 (0)1732 700011 | www.csogroup.co.uk