Supply Chain - Wastewater Treatment - Technical Documentation
- AquaPyr (2024)
- Silicon Carbide Ceramic Membranes (2024)
- FilterClear® (2024)
FilterClear® (2024)
During AMP7 over 800 sites were required to meet tighter phosphorus permits under the National P Removal Programme. The majority of these sites adopted the solution of using tertiary solids removal (TSR) plant with ferric or aluminium dosing to meet the permit requirements. There are 6 major TSR plant suppliers in the UK, three of which use the same technology, each with its unique feature, competing in the P removal market. This has driven the TSR technologies to evolve and improve, addressing the needs to enhance reliability and to minimise the use of chemicals whilst meeting increasingly stringent standards.
FilterClear for phosphorus removal
FilterClear is a true depth filtration technology, with 900 mm of filtration bed depth. The influent is pumped to the top of the filter and flows through four layers of media: anthracite, silica, alumina and magnetite, which have decreasing particle size and increasing density. This configuration provides an equivalent of 4-stage filtration in a single vessel, allowing the filter to operate at a much higher filtration rate (up to 35m3/h) and achieve a better effluent quality than conventional sand filters; coupled with its much smaller footprint. FilterClear is a powerful tool in a designer’s armoury.
The key benefit of depth filtration is to enable the solids to be removed progressively through the entire depth of the 4-layer filter bed, extending the run-time and reducing backwash frequencies. The backwash can be controlled by timer or pressure. After backwash, the media will settle back to the original layers thanks to the carefully selected density and particle sizes of the four media types.
FilterClear has an average operating pressure of 0.4 bar, offering a low energy demand and a low operational carbon footprint.
Experience across the many FilterClear plants installed to date has highlighted the low cost of ownership, particularly with respect to operation and maintenance. The plants are fully automated and typically require just one annual service (less on sites with activated sludge upstream). There is no routine requirement for replacement parts or filtration cloths and the FilterClear plants require only a top-up of anthracite every few years.
Furthermore, all media layers are naturally-occurring minerals, thereby not introducing any microplastics or fibres into the treated effluent or dirty backwash water.
[caption id="attachment_13686" align="alignnone" width="1200"]FilterClear plant at Yeovil WRC - Courtesy of Bluewater Bio[/caption]
For chemical P removal, good coagulation and flocculation are critical. Many TSR technologies need purpose-built coagulation and flocculation tanks with mechanical mixing, and some will also require polymer dosing.
By comparison, FilterClear only requires coagulant dosing for P removal; no polymer or ballast material is required. This is because large flocs are not essential for depth filtration. Chemical dosing can be added directly upstream of the FilterClear plant via an inline static mixer, and flocculation will occur in the headspace inside the filter vessel, above the media bed, removing the need for mechanical mixing or a flocculation tank, thereby simplifying the asset and reducing associated costs.
The absence of a separate flocculation tank further minimises the FilterClear footprint, makes the solution simpler to build and operate and eliminates the associated operational and maintenance tasks. It also eliminates the need for an overflow from the flocculation tank which, having been dosed with coagulant, represents a compliance risk.
Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA)
Increasingly, clients and their tier one partners are looking to minimise site construction activities and durations. FilterClear plants are designed to allow off-site assembly and testing, then delivery to site as a package plant. Where possible, the complete filter gallery, including backwash pumps, blowers, actuated valves, instruments and controls are skid-mounted and transported fully assembled. Site activities are then limited to coupling the filter vessels, adding the media and commissioning. This DfMA approach ensures both quality and safety are well controlled and ultimately delivers a better solution in a shorter time at a lower overall cost.
Health and safety is an integral part of the design process, ensuring that all equipment is safe to install, operate and maintain. Filtration and backwash of the FilterClear plant is fully automated, with minimum operational input. The filters are enclosed, with no moving parts or serviceable components within the vessels and need minimal operator intervention. Due to the enclosed, fully automated design, risk of operator exposure to wastewater or chemicals is minimised. Furthermore, all machinery is at ground level for easy access.
Proven performance
Most TSR plant suppliers prefer to offer an effluent total suspended solids (TSS) guarantee as a surrogate to a TP guarantee. However, water companies have realised that, at low concentrations, there is a very poor correlation between the TSS and TP concentrations thereby introducing compliance risk.
As the developer and owner of the technology, Bluewater Bio Ltd has a deep understanding of both the process and phosphorus removal, and accordingly are able to provide a TP guarantee. This offers the client and their contractor the simplest and clearest assurance of meeting the final effluent permit as well as being contractually most straightforward. FilterClear performance has been tested and proven at over 50 sites across most UK water companies, all reliably achieving the respective permit requirements for both TP and iron. Knowing that more stringent TP permits will be imposed in AMP8, Wessex Water carried out long-term trials to push the performance limits at several sites with impressive results.
[caption id="attachment_13681" align="alignnone" width="1200"]‘Site A’ performance graph: Blue line shows the Total P concentration of the TSR feed and the green line shows the Total P concentration of the final effluent after FilterClear treatment - Courtesy of Bluewater Bio[/caption]
‘Site A’ is a typical small trickling filter site. In AMP7, a FilterClear plant was installed to meet a new 0.5 mg/l TP permit. The trial demonstrated that the plant achieved an average TP below 0.07 mg/l, with a 95%ile iron concentration of 0.27 mg/l. This performance has been achieved with an overall ferric dose of just 15 mg/l (including 1st point and 2nd point dosing) with simple flow-proportional dosing control, and despite some unrelated control issues during the trial. The long-term trials have demonstrated that FilterClear plants can reliably achieve a TP permit of 0.1 mg/l, making the solution future-proof. This offers the client a means of reducing WLC whilst adding future certainty.
FilterClear: Key advantages
Proprietary stratified FilterClear media of up to four layers, specially developed and applied over 10 years for exceptional performance.- High loading rate (25-50 m3/m2/h, i.e. 2-5x flow rate of competing technologies).
- High solids retention (low pressure drop and long backwash interval).
- High quality filtrate in a single step (SDI <3 : NTU <0.1 : BOD concentration <6mg/l).
- Low CAPEX (2-5x less media, fewer vessels).
- Low OPEX (no chemical use, low electricity consumption).
- Low backwash volume (<6% of filtrate, small backwash tanks, better yield, less waste).
- Small footprint (2-5x smaller filter area, smaller plant).
- Low O&M (simple, reliable, easy to maintain).
- Modular systems up to 1200m3/h per vessel.
Case study: Wessex Water: Yeovil Pen Mill WRC
During AMP7, Wessex Water installed 14 FilterClear plants across its region for phosphorus removal, ranging from small sites less than 4,000 population to large sites over 75,000 population. Yeovil Pen Mill Wastewater Recycling Centre (WRC) is the largest site among these.
Yeovil WRC in Somerset is a large treatment works owned by Wessex Water, serving a population equivalent (PE) over 75,000 (including trade discharge). The existing treatment processes comprised:
- Primary settlement tanks.
- High-rate plastic media filters.
- Intermediate humus tanks.
- Trickling filters (slag media).
- Humus tanks.
To meet tightened consent requirements, a major upgrade was required during AMP7; comprising tertiary MBBR plant and a tertiary solids removal (TSR) plant.
The TSR plant with chemical dosing is required to achieve the total phosphorus (TP) consent of 0.5 mg/l. On a whole life cost basis, taking into account process reliability, delivery programme, power demands, chemical consumption and maintenance requirements, FilterClear from Bluewater Bio Ltd was identified as the preferred solution, and the contract was awarded in May 2022.
The key elements of the FilterClear plant at Yeovil WRC are:
- Number of filters (800mm diameter): 11
- Number of backwash pumps: 2 duty/2 standby
- Number of backwash blowers: 2 duty/2 standby
- Number of clean backwash tanks: 1
- Number of dirty backwash tanks: 1
(left) FilterClear plant at Yeovil Pen Mill WRC next to a trickling filter and tertiary MBBR plant at Yeovil WRC and (right) Skid design at Yeovil Pen Mill WRC for easy access and maintenance - Courtesy of Bluewater Bio[/caption]
The FilterClear plant design has taken into account the following:
- Treat the peak flow during filter backwashing.
- Ensure the solids holding capacity is adequate under the worst-case scenario.
- Manage the interfaces with tertiary pumping/ferric dosing.
- Minimise the whole life cost and footprint.
- Enable safe and easy access, lifting and maintenance (ALM).
Thanks to the high filtration rate, the FilterClear plant has a smaller footprint in comparison to conventional filters. The compact nature of the FilterClear plant makes it ideal for the very congested site at Yeovil. At the time of writing (July 2024), the FilterClear plant has been installed and is currently being commissioned.
Throughout the project, the design teams worked closely with Wessex Water on the ALM assessment to ensure that the plant is operator-friendly. Particular attention was paid to eliminating hazards during operation and maintenance.
Highest accolade - rising to the challenge in AMP8
Innovation plays a critical role in the water industry’s ability to adapt to climate change, population growth and new and emerging pollutants. Bluewater Bio Ltd continue to develop and enhance technologies so that they excel in performance, value, reliability and sustainability.
[caption id="attachment_13682" align="aligncenter" width="356"]FilterClear technology received a King’s Award for Enterprise (Innovation category) in 2024[/caption]
In 2024 Bluewater Bio Ltd received a King’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category for its FilterClear technology. The award was granted on a recommendation by the Prime Minister and approved by His Majesty The King and is the most prestigious award for a UK business. This award is further recognition that FilterClear has become the preferred choice for clients.
With AMP8 on the way, over 900 sites will be on the national P removal programme and FilterClear will play a major part in delivering a successful outcome.
Winchester House, 259-269 Old Marylebone Road, London NW1 5RA
| 020 7908 9500 | |
- Goscote STW: Mecana Installation
- HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax®
HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax®
Melton Mowbray STW is a medium sized activated sludge works, treating a PE approx. 68,000. The works treats a combination of both domestic and trade effluents. The new Melton Mowbray STW is designed to cater for increased treatment flows equating to a design horizon population equivalent of 123,328 (82% growth) and a tightening of the phosphorus and ammonia permits. A significant proportion of the influent is from trade waste. Huber Technology was heavily involved in the design and planning of the new inlet works with MWH and Severn Trent Water to replace the two existing 6mm screens with three 6mm screens and installation of wash compactors.
Early involvement with MWHT, through site visits and meetings enabled a proven solution to be designed for both screenings and screenings handling requirements. Severn Trent should hopefully see the huge benefit this technology brings to the downstream process very quickly.
Huber was involved in part of the innovative solutions to ensure the re-use of the existing inlet structure in lieu of a new structure. The existing two HUBER screen installation with centre by-pass channel was designed to be replaced by three new HUBER Belt screens EscaMax® and two HUBER Wash Press WAP® L compactors. This was further complicated as the refurbishment had to fit the existing inlet works. This was achieved by the provision of a new bypass pipe outside the inlet works structure and the use of the existing centre bypass channel to house the third screen. Huber worked collaboratively with MWHT to ensure that this was achieved.
[caption id="attachment_16201" align="alignnone" width="1200"]HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax[/caption]
HUBER Technology supplied
- 2 x HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax® 4000x752/6 60°.
- 1 x HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax® 4000x952/6 60°.
- 2 x HUBER Wash Press WAP® L 8.
- Interconnecting launder.
HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax® Product Profile
- World class screening efficiency: 84% average solids capture ratio.
- Unique sealing design ensures continued efficiency with minimal maintenance.
- No requirements for self-adjusting brush due to innovative design.
- Range of perforation sizes & screen installation angles available.
- 300+ installations UK & Ireland.
HUBER WAP®L Wash Press Product Profile
- Screenings from launder systems or direct from screens where screen wash water rate is high.
- Wet screenings throughput up to 24m3/hr.
- Volume, weight & disposal cost reduction up to 85%.
- Low power & wash water consumption.
- 600+ installations UK & Ireland.
Details of the process including for screens:
- Total flow rate 548 l/s. Peak flow per screen 183 l/s duty/assist/assist.
- Screen width 752 = 2.85 m3/h and screen width 952 = 3.6m3/h, total capacity 9.3 m3/h all @ 50% blinded.
Details of the process including for screenings handling:
- 9.4 m3/hr duty/standby.
- Screens 0.733 l/s @ 5 Bar. Screening handling Peak 1.5 l/s at 2 bar in operation.
Interconnecting launder[/caption]
Objective & Solution
The main objective was the efficient refurbishment of the inlet works with installation of three new HUBER screens and two HUBER wash compactors on a phased changeover at the inlet. HUBER completed the mechanical installation over three stages with commissioning being completed in stages (in between the install stages) before the next machine was installed as the site needed to have at least one EscaMax® running throughout the installation process.
David Foster McBride (Area Sales Manager) commented on the project:“Early engagement with the customer allowed for a suitable innovative solution to be selected to handle the design parameters and be successfully delivered within the existing inlet works limitations. The project was delivered on time and to budget and is an excellent demonstration of close involvement with Severn Trent Water and MWHT.”
For more information: Huber Technology | +441249 765000 |
- P Removal
P Removal
Project Challenge
Although phosphorus is a necessary nutrient for plants and animals, excessive phosphorus in waterways can lead to the extreme growth of plants and algae. High levels of plants and algae in the water can have a detrimental impact on aquatic life and the quality of water, including low dissolved oxygen concentrations.Solution
Dutypoint successfully supplied, delivered and installed its weatherproof GRP kiosk, the QuadraTANK™, incorporated with a standardised wash-down package, ensuring it was efficiently operational and ready for use. The product was manufactured to the client’s project specifications and houses a water storage tank, controls, twin booster pump system for a network of wash-down points. To meet the client’s needs of removing phosphorus, the wash-down capabilities of the QuadraTANK™, combined with an additional hose reel component, provided a solution to significantly improve water quality by aiding in the removal of phosphorus, resulting in a very happy client. The wash-down additions are a valuable feature in hitting water regulations, including its CAT 5 protection capabilities. Our hose reel was a built-in check valve (one-way valve), which prevents the backflow of hazardous contaminated water into the water systems. [caption id="attachment_12307" align="alignnone" width="1200"]QuadraTANK™ with Additional wash-down/Irrigation hose reel[/caption]
For more information about Dutypoint Ltd | 01452 300110 |
For more information about QuadraTANK | 01452 300110 | QuadraTANK™
About Dutypoint Ltd
Since 1976, Dutypoint has become one of the leading players in fluid technology, trusted by clients in the UK and overseas. Integrity, transparency, accountability and clear communication are crucial to how we do business. We stand by what we say - today and every day. The Dutypoint range includes a variety of industry-leading products, including cold water booster sets and QuadraTANK™. - Air Blower Retrofit at Wastewater Treatment Works
Air Blower Retrofit at Wastewater Tr...
The issue: Energy efficiency has not been the focus so far
Operational efficiency and reliability should be priorities in wastewater treatment plants. Consequently, there has been a prominent focus on being more efficient and reducing carbon footprint. This WwTP treats wastewater for over eight million people. The company was working with three energy-intensive competitor blowers that no longer met today‘s standards, this is where AERZEN was consulted.
The solution: Turbo technology for efficient aeration
For this replacement a detailed calculation of profitability showed a potential energy saving. All three blower units were showing significant signs of wear. Therefore, instead of an extensive and costly refurbishment, it was decided that these old units should be replaced with three new efficient AERZEN Turbo Blowers.
- AERZEN consulted with the company Air Technology to determine the current load requirement. A detailed profitability calculation indicated energy savings of over 20%.
- AERZEN supplied 3 Turbo G5plus blowers (3 x AT150 0.8S DN250), which modernised the plant as they replaced the competitor’s aging blowers that were consuming a lot of energy.
- While these works were going on, the client involved AERZEN Rental to avoid downtime, who supplied the end user with 2 BVO 55000 skid mounted assemblies.
Type of technology Turbo blower Overpressure 1,000 mbar Version Positive pressure Conveying media Air, neutral gases Volumenstrom 360 to 8,400 m3h Conveying oil-free Courtesy of AERZEN Machines[/caption]
The result: Modern technology used to reduce CO2 emissions
The space-saving installation of the new turbo technology from the G5plus series enables an efficiency gain of approx. 21% for the aeration of wastewater tanks which ultimately leads to savings in operating costs.
Additionally, in comparison to the earlier ventilation systems, the noise emissions were significantly decreased.
This wastewater treatment facility can save over £21.000 by utilising state-of-the-art technology, the AERZEN Turbo G5plus blower. AERZEN had a 4-week lead time. The calculation assumes an amortisation period of about three years. The cost and energy savings coincide with the customer‘s desire to reduce their carbon footprint.
Ian Moore, Technical Director, Air Technology, commented:
"It’s looking like a really good installation, and it is much quieter and more efficient than the old system."
For more information: AERZEN Machines | +44 (0)208 502 8100 |
- The Beast at Pellows Waste Disposal Services
The Beast at Pellows Waste Disposal ...At Pellows Waste Disposal Services, near Truro, a typical 4.5m3 tanker (1,000 gallons) that used to take over 20 minutes to empty, can now get back out on the road to collect more liquid waste after less than three minutes discharge time. The turnaround is due to "The Beast" made by SAVECO Environmental, that with a fully integrated 5mm screen, conveyor and compactor, all in one unit, removes harmful debris and dewaters it prior to discharge. It can handle 200m3/h and up to 6-8% solids as a plug-and-play system. Payback is expected in just four months, as Pellows’ Director, James Martin, explains:
“The Beast has far exceeded our expectations. It injects water to accelerate the process, and is so much more efficient and robust than our previous system. Investing in The Beast is part of a major upgrade that we’ve put into place to address the big changes that have happened in Cornwall’s collection and disposal of liquid waste.”
The upgrade at Pellows, which includes a centrifuge, aeration, and larger tanks, has enabled the company (established in 1964) to expand its customer-base by offering a complete in- house service. It will also provide a potential lifeline to other contractors who collect liquid waste from the holiday parks, factories, hotels and many thousands of homeowners in Cornwall that are not connected to the sewer network. The closure in April 2022 of what turned out to be two large disposal sites that were trading illegally, has forced contractors into sending their vehicles long distances away to discharge their collected waste. The headache has been partly alleviated by being able to take some liquids to be treated by South West Water, but during heavy rainfall and storm events, the water company has had to keep its gates closed because capacity has been reached. James Martin continued:“Storms and flooding from prolonged rainfall is all too common these days. We couldn’t just stop working for long periods due to the weather, letting our customers down, or keep sending our vehicles miles and miles away to unload. We had to act to protect and grow our business, so first contacted Centri Force, who make very good decanter centrifuges. They gave us plenty of good advice about how we could become independent by treating the collected waste ourselves, which included a strong recommendation of "The Beast" from SAVECO Environmental.”
The pneumatic press (with de-stoner) that had been in operation at Pellows not only took far longer to receive incoming waste, but, according to Richard Montanaro, Managing Director of Centri Force, was too small and far less sturdy, with too many areas where the process would require costly maintenance or be likely to slow or fail.“In comparison, "The Beast" is very well designed. It is a great product that integrates very well with other parts of a plant to provide an excellent front-end pre-screen. With a centrifuge as part of a process, it gives us exactly what we’re looking for, and has helped Pellows greatly increase productivity and take this important step to becoming a liquid waste contractor with its own treatment facility".
Environmental wet waste is a big issue, and Cornwall, with far less infrastructure and sewer connections than many counties, faces some big challenges, so it is good to see Pellows play a big part in reducing the environmental impact of septic tank liquids.” Rotating around its axis, The Beast’s cylindrical filter conveys screenings into a loading hopper placed in the centre, whilst a set of spray nozzles washes the filter during operation. A screw, placed inside the conveying pipe (with its top inside the discharge hopper), conveys the screenings towards the treatment stages, during which organic substances are washed out. Subsequently, solids are compacted and dewatered in the compacting and drainage area, before exiting through a discharge chute. Despite septic tank contents often containing solidified calcium, rocks, stones, and sanitary products, installation of The Beast now sees Pellows’ 27-tonne artics discharge waste in less than 13 minutes, compared preciously (depending on the thickness of the liquid) to 45-minutes, up to one hour. Craig Webb, SAVECO’s Municipal Sales Engineer, commented:“We have worked closely with Pellows and Centri Force to bring about a big improvement in treating liquid waste. Allowing effluent to be put directly through "The Beast", which avoids placing further stress on an existing plant, is also a huge benefit to water companies. Liquid waste contractors and the water industry can see that by screening, washing, conveying and dewatering - all in one unit - there is a reduction in risk, and the opportunity to make big savings by removing the need for multiple pieces of equipment.”
James Martin from Pellows, continued:“The whole system is so much better now. We get better biosolids too at the end of the process. Apart from South West Water, we’ve now become the first company in the County who have the capability to treat liquid waste for safe disposal into the foul sewer main.”
For more information contact SAVECO Environmental Ltd | +44 (0)1684 299104 |
- Civil Engineer - Water (6331)
Civil Engineer - Water (6331)
The opportunity
Do you have a passion for Civil Engineering ? Are you driven to create solutions for the unprecedented climate, environmental, and efficiency challenges facing our clients and the wider community? Then make a real difference and join us at Stantec! We are excited to continue our growth journey in Ireland and Northern Ireland and we have exciting plans for expansion in 2025 and beyond. We look forward to continuing our work with Uisce Eireann on the Engineering Design Services Framework and in Northern Ireland, we are proud to have been appointed to Northern Ireland Water’s IF182 Professional Services Framework. Taoiseach Simon Harris recently opened our new Dublin office, and we have now also moved to a new city center office in Belfast. This exciting pipeline of work, coupled with the scale of opportunity across the AMP8 cycle in the UK means that we seeking Civil Engineers at all levels with experience in the water/wastewater industry to join us. We are flexible with location so the position can be based in Dublin, Belfast or elsewhere. You will have the opportunity to join a dynamic team spread across the UK and Ireland, supporting the delivery of a variety of projects as part of a major capital investment programme.You will play an important role in the team, developing technical solutions & providing advice to our clients. You will provide technical expertise to ensure projects are delivered to cost, schedule & quality standards and work collaboratively amongst multi-disciplinary teams to ensure first class delivery of our projects. You will work closely with external stakeholders & clients to develop long term relationships.About You
You will be Degree qualified (or equivalent) in Civil Engineering or other relevant subject and have some experience of working within the regulated water industry.You will have knowledge of water and wastewater infrastructure/networks and treatment. Due to the nature of upcoming projects, ideally, you will also have experience in areas such as Clean Water and Wastewater Treatment, Trunk Mains and Large Diameter Pipeline Design.Ideally, you’ll have previous consultancy experience in a design role.Most importantly, you’ll embody our values and ethos of client focus and service excellence and have a passion for making a difference in the Water sector.Why Join us?
- Our People Culture: We're a close knit team and very proud of our friendly and collaborative environment
- Growth: We're on an exciting growth journey in Ireland and Northern Ireland - we want you to be part of it!
- Awards: Stantec were awarded the International Consulting Firm of the Year and Best place to work - Large Consulting Firms at the 2024 NCE awards as well as being consistently recognised in the top 10 Corporate Knights most sustainable companies in the world.
- Great Benefits: Competitive salary, pension plan, holidays, free private medical insurance, discounted gym membership and lots more.
- Flexible working arrangements
- Great Projects: We have secured positions on both the Uisce Eireann and NI Water Frameworks and are delivering a wide variety of projects that will make a real difference to our communities
- Industry leading training and development as well as paid for professional subscriptions
About Stantec
The Stantec community unites more than 31,000 employees working in over 450 locations across 6 continents. We have been working with our clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. We plan, design, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities. Our teams provide effective and relevant solutions, translating our clients’ vision into valued consents, deliverable plans for projects and programmes, and efficient designs for delivery, based on technical excellence and deep market insights. We deal with today’s challenges, but also keep a fairer, better tomorrow in sight, looking at how we deliver clean growth, support radical changes in our economy and meet the needs of future communities. Stantec provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified employees and applicants for future and current employment and prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We prohibit discrimination in decisions concerning recruitment, hiring, referral, promotion, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, terminations or any other condition of employment. Stantec is in compliance with laws and regulations and ensures equitable opportunities in all aspects of employment. Building an inspired, inclusive work environment that attracts, supports, and develops world-class talent is a crucial key to our success. If you are excited by this role but worry that your experience doesn’t exactly align, we encourage you to apply. - Senior Civil Engineer - Water (6286)
Senior Civil Engineer - Water (6286)
The opportunity
Across the entire business, Stantec are building on top of what’s already been a highly successful period of growth. Our strategy within the Water division for 2023 and beyond is creating a number of new exciting opportunities across the business. We partner with the top water clients across the UK, work on some of the largest, most iconic water projects in the industry and we promise to design with community in mind by reducing environmental impacts and improving social impacts. We enable the delivery of sustainable development and infrastructure projects that adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. Our Civil Engineers work across the project lifecycle in asset planning / strategy, concept design, outline design and detailed design. We work in a variety of project areas within the water sector, including clean water treatment and networks, wastewater treatment, wastewater networks, flooding, and urban drainage. You can find out more about our work in the water sector here: Stantec H2O+U - UK. You’ll be responsible for the project’s civil engineering design, the leadership of civil engineering teams and will work alongside our overall project design leads to ensure successful project delivery and outcomes for our clients. You will also have access to Stantec’s world-class expertise to help you deliver cutting edge design.About You
You’ll have experience working as a Civil Engineer on projects within sectors such as the water, environment or other related infrastructure sectors. Ideally you will hold Chartered or Incorporated member status with a relevant professional body such as ICE or CIWEM. You’ll have a passion for the water and environment sector and supporting our developing civil engineers. You’ll also be experienced in successful project delivery and working collaboratively with project teams to develop innovative solutions. Finally, you will have experience of working in a client facing role, leading client engagement and collaboration on a regular basis.
About Stantec
The Stantec community unites more than 31,000 employees working in over 450 locations across 6 continents. We have been working with our clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. We plan, design, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities. Our teams provide effective and relevant solutions, translating our clients’ vision into valued consents, deliverable plans for projects and programmes, and efficient designs for delivery, based on technical excellence and deep market insights. We deal with today’s challenges, but also keep a fairer, better tomorrow in sight, looking at how we deliver clean growth, support radical changes in our economy and meet the needs of future communities. Stantec provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified employees and applicants for future and current employment and prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We prohibit discrimination in decisions concerning recruitment, hiring, referral, promotion, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, terminations or any other condition of employment. Stantec is in compliance with laws and regulations and ensures equitable opportunities in all aspects of employment. Building an inspired, inclusive work environment that attracts, supports, and develops world-class talent is a crucial key to our success. If you are excited by this role but worry that your experience doesn’t exactly align, we encourage you to apply. - Senior Civil Engineer (6463)
Senior Civil Engineer (6463)
The Opportunity
Following a number of successful frameworks bids across the water industry, and in preparation for the most challenging AMP ever, we are expanding our high-performing engineering teams across the country. In Newcastle, we are excited to have been appointed as a Strategic Technical Partner by Northumbrian Water for the AMP8 period. Stantec provide a range of technical enabling, solution delivery and design services to support Northumbrian Water in achieving its vision to be the leading provider of sustainable water and wastewater services. As part of our long-standing relationship with Northumbrian Water, including the ongoing ESH-Stantec joint venture, we will continue to develop innovative solutions to support their delivery of capital investment across both infrastructure & non-infrastructure projects. In order to continue providing our clients with our expert service, we are looking to recruit a Senior Civil Engineer into our team Newcastle on the picturesque Quayside. You will become part of an international team, redefining our landscape with sustainability, the environment and the communities we serve at the heart of everything we do. As a Senior Civil Engineer, you will work across the entire project lifecycle in asset planning, strategy, concept design, outline design & detailed design. You’ll be responsible for delivering civil engineering solutions, guided by our Principal Engineers & Design Leads, whilst also supporting & mentoring our more junior engineers.You can find out more about our work in the water sector here: Stantec H2O+U - UK.
About You
We are interested in speaking with passionate engineers with design experience within the UK water industry. You’ll hold a degree in Civil Engineering and ideally have achieved Chartered status with a relevant professional body such as ICE or CIWEM. You will have gained experienced delivering community focused projects, whilst working collaboratively with multi-disciplinary teams to delivery innovative solutions. We will support your growth & development through training & project exposure, though prior experience within storm overflows, SUDS, surface water management & sewage treatment would be beneficial.
About Stantec
The Stantec community unites more than 31,000 employees working in over 450 locations across 6 continents. We have been working with our clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. We plan, design, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities. Our teams provide effective and relevant solutions, translating our clients’ vision into valued consents, deliverable plans for projects and programmes, and efficient designs for delivery, based on technical excellence and deep market insights. We deal with today’s challenges, but also keep a fairer, better tomorrow in sight, looking at how we deliver clean growth, support radical changes in our economy and meet the needs of future communities. Stantec provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified employees and applicants for future and current employment and prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We prohibit discrimination in decisions concerning recruitment, hiring, referral, promotion, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, terminations or any other condition of employment. Stantec is in compliance with laws and regulations and ensures equitable opportunities in all aspects of employment. Building an inspired, inclusive work environment that attracts, supports, and develops world-class talent is a crucial key to our success. If you are excited by this role but worry that your experience doesn’t exactly align, we encourage you to apply.