Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd
Bryn Cowlyd WTW

Bryn Cowlyd WTW single jet Pelton installation
Bryn Cowlyd Water Treatment Works is in the county of Conwy in Wales and is fed from Llyn Cowlyd, which is the deepest lake in north Wales. The new WTW was commissioned in 2019 and is Welsh Waters flagship Works.
Gilkes were approached by Skanska Construction for the detailed design, manufacture, testing and installation, commissioning and training of an energy recovery turbine suitable for flow control at the inlet to the works and to generate renewable energy which would contribute to the on site load required to operate the water treatment works.
Welsh Water, Skanska and Gilkes worked together to determine the most suitable turbine and generator. With a net head close to 200m and a flow rate of around 323l/sec the hydrology was suited a Pelton turbine. After monitoring the expected variations, a 750mm single jet Pelton turbine was selected for efficiency and maximum annual energy production.

Bryn Cowlyd WTW single jet Pelton installation
It was an interesting project for Gilkes, as this was the first water treatment works where the entire project was done under BIM (Building Information Management) meaning a full 3D walk though of the treatment stages, energy recovery turbine and final treatment was available during the design stage and also for hazard awareness.
Although the turbine could have been offered in a compact, Streamline format, the machine was offered in a more heavily built design to ensure that noise from the turbine was kept to a minimum.
Gilkes are proud to have supplied further equipment for use on Welsh Water sites, having delivered three machines over the last 10 years.

Bryn Cowlyd WTW single jet Pelton installation
- Turbine Type: Single Jet Pelton
- Power: 575kW
- Head: 217 m
- Flow: 323 l/s
- Runner Dia: 750 mm
- Speed: 750 rpm
- Reducing spool & inlet pipework
- Single Jet Pelton turbine
- Induction generator
- Turbine control & switchgear panels
- Operation & maintenance manuals
- Installation & commissioning
- Operator training
- Ongoing service & maintenance
For more information: Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon | +44 (0)1539 720028 |