- (East Tanfield Sewage Treatment Works, County Durham,
- 2019 documenting the final stage of the Davyhulme WwTW Modernisation Project
- 3rd Light Media
- A new lime water plant was constructed and commissioned
- A new long sea outfall was also required, and this is covered in a separate case study elsewhere in this publication
- a pilot plant was set up at Trimpley and run on River Severn water for a year
- A second project at Pegswood
- A-Consult Ltd
- Aarsleff Ground Engineering
- Aarsleff sheet piled cofferdam
- Aarsleff sheet piling
- Aarsleff soil nailing
- ABC Stainless
- Academy Geomatics Ltd
- Active Tunnelling
- ACWA Services
- Addicott Electrics Ltd
- AE Yates Group
- Aerzen Machines
- Affinity Water
- Air Technology Systems
- AJ Engineering & Construction Services Ltd
- Alpha Plus Ltd
- also raw water from the River Severn
- Althon Ltd
- Amazon Filters Ltd
- Amiblu Norway AS
- An overview of the pre-construction phase for the scheme was published in UK Water Projects 2019
- and two screw conveyor systems from CTM Systems Ltd.
- Anglian Water
- Anua Clean Air UK
- APL Construction Ltd
- Aqua Safety Showers International Ltd
- Aquability OPS Ltd
- Arup
- As extensive work had already taken place on site in 2019 to install a new detention tank as part of the original scheme
- assist in the delivery of the Birmingham Resilience Scheme
- associated with that driver are covered in a previous article published in the UK Water Projects 2019 edition
- At Royton WwTW construction is underway to provide a new detention tank
- Atkins
- AtkinsRéalis
- AUMA Actuators
- AVK UK Ltd
- Avove vegetation management team to effectively and sustainably manage all clearance activities
- B&W Tunnelling Ltd
- Bachy Soletanche
- Bagnall Construction Ltd
- Barhale
- Bartec Engineering Services Ltd
- Based on the predicted cliff erosion rates (7m a year) and exposure of the existing outfall on the foreshore, YWS had no choice but to relocate the existing WwTW and a potential site for a new WwTW was identified
- Bellozanne STW: Centralised sludge treatment facilities phase 2 (2015)
- Bellozanne STW: New sludge thickening and dewatering facilities (2013)
- Binnies
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2017) article
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2018) article
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2019)
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2019) article
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2020) article
- Blackburn and Darwen WwTWs (2021) article
- Blackburn Starling Ltd
- Blackburn STW (serving a population of 321,500) which is undergoing commissioning
- Blackpool South Strategy to further improve the bathing water quality
- Bluewater Bio Ltd
- Bollfilter UK Ltd
- Bournemouth Water
- Bramley Engineering (Lifting Gear) Ltd
- Branded as ‘RainScape,’ Welsh Water’s green infrastructure in Llanelli is a ground-breaking example of the wide-reaching benefits of SuDS
- Bridges Electrical Engineers Ltd
- Bristol Water
- British Antarctic Survey
- BSG Civil Engineering Ltd
- Burkert Fluid Control Systems
- Bynea SPS (a second Terminal SPS to Llanelli WwTW)
- Cadar Ltd
- Cadman Cranes Ltd
- Cambridge Water Company
- Canal & River Trust
- Canusa
- Carlow Concrete
- case study titled Tidal Energy Converter System Demonstrator, which detailed Phase 1a
- Circle Control & Design Systems
- Coal Authority
- Concrete Repairs Ltd
- Costain
- Cotswold Valves Ltd
- Craven Concrete Ltd
- CSO Group Ltd
- CTM imported cake reception silos & hoppers
- CTM screenings belt conveyors
- CTM Systems Ltd
- Cubis Systems
- Davyhulme WwTW 2016: Design & Construction Phase
- Davyhulme WwTW 2017: Commissioning Phase
- design for the Frankley Water Treatment Works project
- detailing the design and early construction stages of the Bransholme Surface Water Pumping Station
- details of which were presented in a case study in the 2022 edition of UK Water Projects and on WaterProjectsOnline
- Dewatering feed progressive cavity pumps (Horsley)
- Donemana WwTW (NI Water): completed February 2021
- Drive Systems Ltd
- Due to the success of the project, this technology is now being used at Lamerton STW where construction commenced 2024
- Dunphy Combustion
- Dutypoint Ltd
- Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
- EB Critical Engineering Services Ltd
- Electrosteel Castings (UK) Ltd
- Eliquo Hydrok Ltd
- Elite Precast Concrete Ltd
- Elmo Rietschle
- EMS Industries Ltd
- energy crop anaerobic digestion plant
- Energy Technologies Institute
- Enisca Ltd
- Enpure Ltd
- Environment Agency
- Environmental Techniques Ltd
- envolve infrastructure
- EPS Group
- EPS Water
- equipment and materials from the Foss Barrier scheme to be reused here
- ERG (Air Pollution Control)
- Essex & Suffolk Water
- Essex and Suffolk Water
- Evergreen Water Solutions Ltd
- Evoqua Water Technologies
- existing Hayle STW inlet works plant and equipment
- Failsworth (2019)
- Filtration Group
- first sandscaping project
- first year of the Woolston WwT Scheme was detailed
- FLI Precast Solutions
- Flood Control International
- flooding of Mythe WTW
- Fluid Group
- follow up paper detailing the use of ReGenerator Technologies at Knostrop STW and Basingstoke STW
- Following on from the successful upgrade of two similarly aged treated water pumping stations, Langham and Tiptree, in 2017/18
- Forkers Ltd
- FP McCann
- from the fourth year of the Woolston WwT Scheme (2018)
- Frontier Pitts Ltd
- FT Pipeline Systems
- FT Water Treatment
- Galliford Try
- GEDA Construction
- GEOlight®
- George Green (Keighley) Ltd
- Geosynthetic Technology Ltd
- Geotechnics Ltd
- Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon
- Glanua Group
- Glenfield Invicta
- GoFlo
- Grant Plant Hire Ltd
- granular activated sludge plant at Highworth WwTW
- Greenbank Group
- Guernsey Water
- Gurney Environmental
- Hafren Dyfrdwy
- Hayes GFS Ltd
- Headlight AI
- Herrenknecht
- Hewitech UK Ltd
- Highways England
- Huber Rotamat
- Huber Technology
- HYBACS (enhanced activated sludge process)
- Hydro International Ltd
- Hydrolox
- identified the potential for protected water voles
- IIES (Northern) Ltd
- Imported sludge cake pumps, THP feed pumps, blending pumps, centrifuge feed and cake pumps and BLI pumps (Five Fords)
- improved wastewater treatment at Kendal WwTW
- In 2016 and 2017, Bleddfa progressed well
- In 2018 a new sludge treatment facility incorporating anaerobic digestion (AD) was commissioned at Knostrop
- In August 2023 Water Projects published a case study which provided insight into the extensive pre-construction design for civil and process engineering elements of the project
- In October 2019, Phase 3 of the Killingworth and Longbenton Water Management project was published in UK Water Projects 2019
- Industrial Pipework Services
- Intralox
- Jersey Water
- JN Bentley
- Joseph Gallagher Ltd
- KEE Process Ltd
- Keele University
- Kendal (2019)
- Kent Group
- Kent Stainless Ltd
- KG Site Services Ltd
- KGAL Consulting Engineers Ltd
- Killingworth Lake phases 1 and 2
- Kingston WTW was documented
- Large scale blending (back mixing) and thickened sludge transfer open hopper T range PC pumps (HERF)
- Large scale blending (back mixing) PC pumps (Hull)
- LDPE Protectaflex chemical dosing lines
- lessons learned on the Inverurie WwTW project
- Lime dosing progressive cavity pumps (BRP)
- Liverpool WwTW CASS SBR Plant (2015)
- Liverpool WwTW Construction & Process Plant (2014)
- Liverpool WwTW Early Construction (2013)
- Liverpool WwTW Introduction (2012)
- Liverpool WwTW Outfall Extension (2014)
- Lloyd Morris Electrical Ltd
- Lynwood Civil Engineering Ltd
- M and N Electrical and Mechanical Services
- M&J Drilling
- Mabey Hire Ltd
- Macrete (Ireland) Ltd
- Manx Utilities
- Marshalls CPM
- McAdam
- MCS Control Systems
- Measurit Technologies
- Metasphere Ltd
- Middle Level Commissioners
- Morecambe (2020)
- Morecambe WwTW in Lancashire
- Morgan Marine
- Morgan Sindall
- Mott MacDonald
- Mott MacDonald Bentley
- MWH Treatment
- Nantmel, and Frydd Wood in the town of Knighton
- National Grid
- National Trench Safety UK
- National Trust
- Natural Resources Wales
- Nereda
- New Bickerstaffe Pumping Station
- Newpoint WwPS (NI Water): Completed March 2021
- NI Water
- Northern Ireland Water
- Northumbrian Water
- October 2018: Birmingham Resilience Project – Treated Water Project
- October 2019: Anchorsholme Outfall Pumping Station
- October 2019: Birmingham Resilience Project – Treated Water Project
- October 2019: The Anchorsholme Long Sea Outfall
- OGI Groundwater Specialists Ltd
- on MWHT’s Earl Shilton ASP project
- outfall pumping station and renovation of Anchorsholme Park is the second phase
- P&I Generators Ltd
- part of the EU-funded SWELL (Shared Waters Enhancement & Loughs Legacy) Project,
- PBA Applied Ecology
- PBJ Engineering Services Ltd
- PCI Membranes
- PF Detect chemical dosing hose
- Pipelife Norge AS
- Pipex px
- Piping Engineering Solutions Ltd
- PLR Building Services Ltd
- Polypipe
- Portsmouth Water
- Powdered activated carbon (PAC) was selected for the BRP
- Power Plastics Ltd
- Powered activated carbon (PAC) dosing takes place at the break pressure tank
- Primary sludge & scum pump package (Wolsingham)
- process pilot trials were carried out using a trailer mounted Actiflo located at Trimpley WTW
- progress at Farlington WTW in UK Water Projects 2017
- progress at Rivelin WTW in UK Water Projects 2018
- Project Support Systems
- Protectaflex dual contained hose for chemical treatment dosing plant
- Pump Supplies Ltd
- Quantum Engineering Developments Ltd
- R2M Limited
- RammSanderson Ecology
- recently constructed Five Fords facility in North Wales
- Removal of two screens, the provision of a new bypass pipe and the installation of three new screens
- River Severn Raw Water Supply Project
- Robuschi (a Gardner Denver brand)
- Robuschi air blowers
- Rotork Controls
- Saint Gobain PAM UK
- Salix River and Wetland Services
- SAS thickened sludge, thickener feed and tanker loading progressive cavity pumps (Morecambe)
- SAVECO Environmental Ltd
- Scottish Canals
- Scottish Water
- Scottish Water Horizons
- SDS Limited
- second year of the Woolston WwT Scheme was documented in the 2016
- see Tidal Energy Converter article in UK Water Projects 2013
- SEEPEX transfer progressive cavity pumps
- Serimax Ltd
- served by Whittle Dene WTW
- SES Water
- Severn Trent
- Sewaco Ltd
- Shay Murtagh Precast
- Sheet Piling (UK) Ltd
- Silotank
- Siltbuster Ltd
- Sludge progressive cavity pumps (Llanfaethlu)
- Sludge progressive cavity pumps (Westnewton)
- Sludge thickening progressive cavity pumps (Basingstoke)
- Sludge thickening progressive cavity pumps (Bray)
- Sludge transfer progressive cavity pumps (Ardersier)
- Sludge transfer progressive cavity pumps (Ardsbeg)
- Sludge transfer progressive cavity pumps (Dunmow)
- Sludge transfer progressive cavity pumps (Invercannie)
- Sludge transfer progressive cavity pumps (Wicklow)
- SMR Projects Ltd (UK Xypex Distributor)
- Solids Technology International
- Solmatix Renewables Ltd
- South East Water
- South Staffs Water
- South West Water
- Southern Water
- Southport DMZ
- Spaans Babcock Ltd
- Space constraints, significant groundwater and the presence of rock resulted in a challenging temporary works design
- SPP Pumps Ltd
- STAM Construction Ltd
- Stantec UK
- States of Jersey
- steel pipes with a three-layer PE external coating and Drinking Water Inspectorate approved internal coating
- Step on Safety Ltd
- Stonbury
- stormwater storage facility within the park was successfully completed in 2016
- Stortec Engineering Ltd
- Strabane WwTW (NI Water): Completed October 2020
- successful completion of Bryn Cowlyd WTW in UK Water Projects 2019
- successful Waterworks Road WTW
- SUEZ Advanced Solutions UK Ltd
- Sulzer Process pumps
- Sulzer Pumps Wastewater Ltd
- Swan Analytical UK Ltd
- T-T Pumps Ltd
- Tank Consult Ltd
- Te-Tech Process Solutions
- team which delivered the Leominster WwTW phosphorus removal scheme
- Technocover
- TerraTank Ltd
- Thames Water
- The Bleddfa section was featured in detail in UK Water Projects 2017
- the Clonakilty, Carrigtwohill and Cork projects
- the design and installation of a new long sea outfall, which was awarded to Farrans
- The estimated cost of the Oldham Royton Integration Strategy (ORIS) was £80m
- the Finham Sewage Treatment Works
- The first plant is currently being built at its Westnewton STW
- the fundamental principles of DEMON
- The Howdon Biogas Upgrading Project was featured in UK Water Projects 2016
- The initial tunnelling stage of the project was detailed in a previous article published by WaterProjectsOnline in 2022
- the Ipswich Barrier
- The last and largest of the four contracts at Blackburn will commence commissioning in autumn 2020
- The Nantmel section was featured in detail in UK Water Projects 2018 along with an introduction to the Frydd Wood section
- The Phase 1 SWELL Project concentrated efforts on alleviating immediate pollution problems through the installation of a new inlet works, inlet balance tank and screens
- The pre-thermal dewatering plant is fed by three SEEPEX UK progressive cavity pumps
- The precast wall panels were built off-site in a controlled factory environment and simply erected on the base using a mobile crane
- The preferred option was to complete the repair using Xypex products
- the previously delivered Swinsty Spillway structure
- The pumping station is the subject of a previous article published in UK Water Projects 2019
- the sister project being undertaken at Marhamchurch
- the third year of the Woolston WwT Scheme (2017)
- the wider £18m Ards North Wastewater Improvement Project
- their second largest Nereda plant at Morecambe
- thermal hydrolysis plant at the nearby Minworth STW
- third phase to construct the 3.7km long sea outfall was completed in late 2018
- This article aims to provide an update on construction progress as of July 2021, and is recommended to be read in conjunction with the previous article for project background information.
- This case study follows on from an initial paper in 2020
- This case study follows on from an initial paper in 2020 and details the progress of the works.
- This case study follows on from the paper in 2022 and details the progress of the main construction activities through to completion
- this first phase is described in UK Water Projects 2015
- This first phase of the Southport DMZ strategy was featured in UK Water Projects 2014.
- This paper follows on from the case study published in Water Projects 2022, which focussed on the design and optioneering elements of the programme of works
- This paper follows up on one published by Water Projects in 2022
- to upgrade and renew the inlet pumping station at Crankley Point Sewage Treatment Works (STW)
- Total Automation & Power
- Tracey Concrete
- traditional grit bridges with an alternative method of grit suction
- Trant Engineering
- treated effluent from the Ards North WwTW
- trialled the UK’s first full-scale reactive media reed bed at Wilmington STW
- Trojan Technologies
- Two new powdered activated carbon (PAC) plants have been constructed
- Uisce Éireann
- UK Water Projects 2018 article Deephams STW - A630 Major Project
- United Utilities
- Upgrades have been completed to the treatment works feeding Birmingham to enable water from the River Severn water to be treated as a new raw source
- Vanderkamp UK
- Veolia Water Technologies
- VJ Donegan Civil Engineering Ltd
- Vogelsang Ltd
- Ward & Burke
- Warrenpoint WwTW (NI Water): Completed December 2020
- Water Engineering Services Ltd
- Waterco
- WaterProjectsOnline Tideway Tunnel - Junctions: Central Section: design of the main tunnel to connection tunnel junctions for six sites on the central contract.
- Weber Sensors
- Weholite®
- Welsh Water
- Wessex Water
- Western Carbons Ltd
- WEW Engineering Ltd
- which will be transported to the thermal hydrolysis plant at Strongford STW for advanced digestion
- WISP Global Ltd
- works at Royal Oak with a capacity of
- Xylem Water Solutions
- Yorkshire Water